First live implementation of digital credentials in Switzerland by the city of Zug with Procivis One

The City of Zug becomes the first authority in Switzerland to issue digital credentials with the Procivis One solution.

First live implementation of digital credentials in Switzerland by the city of Zug with Procivis One
First live implementation of digital credentials in Switzerland by the city of Zug with Procivis One

Starting point and challenge

The City of Zug has 950 employees, including more than 500 teachers. These teachers are entitled to various benefits, such as discounts when shopping at selected stationery stores. Previously, this discount was only granted if the physical digital employee certificate with a validity sticker for the current school year was presented at checkout. For the teachers, it was cumbersome to collect this sticker each year and carry the physical certificate. Since 2020, the City of Zug has been operating the eZug App by Procivis, which is already used by 7700 residents and employees of the city. The eZug App was previously used for communication with the teachers. Building on this, the Procivis One Wallet was seamlessly integrated into the eZug App to enable the incorporation of the digital employee certificate for teachers.

Set-up of the productive innovation project and functionality of our solution

Teachers are now issued a digital employee certificate that includes the attribute"teachers." To issue this certificate to Zug employees, the city of Zug uses the Procivis One Desk. Teachers can use their issued digital employee certificate at selected stationery stores to claim their discounts. This employee certificate is verified by the sales staff using the Procivis One Verifier app. As soon as the teacher requests the discount at the checkout, the sales staff creates a proof request and generates a QR code, which is used to query the digital employee certificate to verify that the person is a teacher. The teacher then scans this QR code and shares the requested attributes by clicking the “share” button. This means that the existing eZug app with new wallet functions can also be extended to the private sector, such as this retail use case.

Result and outlook

This is the first productive use case for decentralized digital credentials in Switzerland between public authorities and the private sector, which already demonstrates the potential of the future Swiss e-ID ecosystem. It is easy for users to utilize employee benefits.
The administrative burden on the city is reduced and local purchasing processes become more efficient. This use case also shows an extension of the eZug app with a wallet functionality to utilize government services and generates added value in the private sector. There is great potential for countless other use cases, such as the digital issuing and verification of stand permits for markets, holding a library card or a taxi licence and many other applications.

If you have further questions, please send us a Message or register for the Trial Environment.

Feel free to reach out to us to benefit from the advantages of digital credentials in your processes.

We are happy to demonstrate how to integrate our solution seamlessly and flexibly into your existing infrastructure.