Employee benefits made easy thanks to digital employee confirmation

Procivis One simplifies and improves online and offline processes related to employee benefits. Learn more.

Employee benefits made easy thanks to digital employee confirmation
Employee benefits made easy thanks to digital employee confirmation

Starting point and problem  

Orell Füssli has several hundred employees who are entitled to a substantial discount when purchasing products from the Orell Füssli publishing house. Nowadays, this discount is granted via generic discount codes that have to be entered during the ordering process.  These discount codes are rarely updated and can be easily forwarded to other people. The result is a loss of sales for Orell Füssli Verlag. It is also difficult for employees to obtain these discount codes.

PoC set-up and how our solution works  

This PoC took the form of a cooperation between Orell Füssli, Swisscom, AXA and SBB. For PoC purposes, the other companies were considered as partner companies whose employees have the same discount entitlements. Using the Procivis software, employers can issue a Verifiable Credential (VC) for the employees that confirms their status as employees. In addition, the type of contract (permanent, temporary), status (not terminated, terminated), workload, role or salary can also be included as attributes in the verification.  

In the Orell Füssli publishing house's online store, Orell Füssli employees will in future be shown a QR code to scan during the check-out process. In their Procivis smartphone wallet, they will then see an overview of the information requested. In this case, this is primarily the employee status. To simplify the check-out process, further details such as name and address can be transmitted. The employee confirms the sharing of the attributes with the OFV online store. After successful automated verification of the verifiable credentials, the corresponding discount is deducted directly from the purchase price.  

Result and outlook  

The PoC has shown how discounts for own employees or employees of partner companies can be easily integrated into the ordering process. The unlawful claiming of benefits can be avoided. Manual processes, paper confirmations and waiting times are a thing of the past. Procivis One is suitable for this use case as the solution can be scaled for a large number of users. In addition, the high performance of the solution ensures that customers' ordering processes are not slowed down or impaired. In addition to discounts for own employees or employees of partner companies, the digital employee confirmation can be used for many use cases: Access, insurance contracts, etc.

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