Flexibility and Interoperability: Procivis One Key Advantage #1

Fragmented digital identity systems lead to inefficiencies, security risks, and costly integration efforts. Public sector organizations and enterprises require solutions that connect seamlessly with existing infrastructures. Procivis One is designed for exactly that: by supporting open standards like OIDC and eIDAS, it ensures smooth interoperability, prevents vendor lock-in, and adapts to evolving regulatory requirements. Stay future-proof with a flexible, secure, and scalable digital identity solution.

At Procivis, we've developed distinct advantages that make our solutions stand out in the marketplace. These advantages deliver tangible benefits and address the real challenges organizations face with digital identity. Over the next several weeks, we'll explore the key advantages that set Procivis One apart in a article series. It’s the unique combination of properties that sets Procivis One apart in the market:

Flexibility and Interoperability | Enterprise-Ready Solutions | End-to-End Experience | Privacy by Design | Scalable Performance | Deployment Freedom

Why interoperability matters

In 2022, we conducted extensive global market research. We did not find a technology that met the complex technical requirements of public sector organizations, and enterprises. With our experience from recent years, we decided to build a new solution from scratch. At the beginning of 2023, we started development. Procivis One was born.

In this article series, we’ll dive into each of the key properties that make Procivis One unique and how they address the challenges in the market.

Flexibility: build on a digital identity framework that evolves with your organizational needs

In early 2022, the market’s direction was far from clear. Various standards and ideas were under discussion—ranging from the established ISO 18013, from “SSI” protocols like AnonCreds, to newer concepts in W3C and DIF working groups. Committing to a single protocol stack would have been risky. Community sentiment shifted quickly between solutions.

This uncertainty led us to develop a highly flexible architecture. It can accommodate any standard at any level. We translated that architecture into code, ensuring seamless protocol integration.

A prime example is credential formats: we already support ISO/IEC 18013 (mdoc), IETF SD-JWT VC, W3C JSON-LD, W3C JWT, and W3C SD-JWT. If needed, we can also easily add formats like Digital Travel Credentials (DTC) or Digital Travel Attestations (DTA).

The graphic below shows our core platform and the standards we currently support.

Start issuing, holding, and verifying | Procivis One Documentation

Procivis One: supported standards as of Feb 2025

Why flexibility matters

You might assume a customer only needs one protocol stack and won’t use the rest. Not quite. In the current market—particularly under eIDAS 2—there is no single, definitive stack. The eIDAS 2 regulation and implementation acts offer multiple options in various areas, with more to come in the coming years.

Flexibility: protect your investment and timeline

Public sector organizations need flexibility to protect investments and timelines. With this flexibility, organizations can start implementation now—no need to wait for every standard decision. A flexible solution like Procivis One has you covered. Switching to another standard is as easy as clicking a button. If future implementation acts introduce new standards, they will be integrated into Procivis One.

Interoperability requires flexibility

Interoperability won’t be achieved by agreeing on one protocol stack. Instead, organizations must manage diverse implementations. Even under eIDAS 2, implementations will vary. With a flexible solution like Procivis One, our customers can manage this diversity. Credentials based on different standards from various implementations and jurisdictions can be verified.

Proven results: collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

The project with DHS demonstrated the capability of Procivis One by combining verification of two distinct credential standards — SD-JWT VC and W3C VCDM 2.0 JSON-LD.

Looking ahead: flexibility and interoperability are strategic advantages

Flexibility and interoperability aren't just technical features—they're strategic advantages in an evolving digital identity landscape. As standards continue to develop and regulatory requirements shift, our adaptable architecture ensures you stay ahead without costly rebuilds or integration challenges. Choosing Procivis One means implementing today’s solution and investing in tomorrow’s possibilities. Because we prioritize flexibility, your digital identity system will always connect, adapt, and perform as the market evolves.

Next article: Enterprise-Ready Solutions

In our next article of this series, we'll explore how our second key advantage—Enterprise-Ready Solutions—provides the reliability and support organizations need when implementing mission-critical identity systems. 

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Let’s Talk: Future-Proof Your Digital Identity!

Ensure secure, seamless digital identity integration with OIDC & eIDAS 2. Talk to our experts and future-proof your system today!