
We share our perspective on trends in the field of decentralized digital identities and credentials and provide information on the further development of our products.

We implemented a privacy preserving and scalable revocation method at Procivis! – Why this is key for decentralized identities
We implemented a privacy preserving and scalable revocation method at Procivis! – Why this is key for decentralized identities

We implemented a privacy preserving and scalable revocation method at Procivis! – Why this is key for decentralized identities

Procivis has developed a privacy-preserving and scalable revocation method for decentralized identities.
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Stellungnahme zur Vernehmlassung zur Änderung des Bundesgesetzes über die politischen Rechte

Procivis äussert sich zur Vernehmlassung zur Änderung des Bundesgesetzes über die politischen Rechte und unterstreicht die Bedeutung von E-Voting für die digitale Demokratie. - Lesezeit: 4:00 Min.

Swiss Democracy needs a public, digital infrastructure

Swiss democracy requires robust public digital infrastructure to ensure secure and inclusive access to government services in the digital age. - Reading time: 5:00 min.

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