
We share our perspective on trends in the field of decentralized digital identities and credentials and provide information on the further development of our products.

We implemented a privacy preserving and scalable revocation method at Procivis! – Why this is key for decentralized identities
We implemented a privacy preserving and scalable revocation method at Procivis! – Why this is key for decentralized identities

We implemented a privacy preserving and scalable revocation method at Procivis! – Why this is key for decentralized identities

Procivis has developed a privacy-preserving and scalable revocation method for decentralized identities.
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Stadt Zug und Procivis arbeiten an elektronischer Identität auf Basis von eID+

Die Stadt Zug und Procivis arbeiten gemeinsam an der Entwicklung einer elektronischen Identität auf Basis der Schweizer E-ID, um den Bürgern den digitalen Zugang zu erleichtern. - Lesezeit: 2:00 Min.

The economic potential of digital identity

Digital identity systems offer significant economic potential by streamlining processes, reducing fraud, and enabling new business models in the digital economy. - Readingtime: 5:00 min.

The ‘Digital Identity Crisis’ and what it means for Governments and individuals

The Digital Identity Crisis poses significant challenges for governments and individuals, impacting data security and trust in digital systems. - Reading time: 6:00 min.

Technology and citizen participation 

Technology is increasingly shaping citizen participation by opening new avenues for engagement and democratic involvement. - Reading time: 5:00 min.

Find out how you can benefit from our software solutions

We are happy to show you how you how to integrate our customized and modular solution.