Procivis One: Navigating the Digital Identity Maze with Confidence

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital identity technologies, organizations from the public and private sectors face dynamic and complex challenges. The rapid evolution of technology, standards, and protocols, coupled with the uncertainties of ongoing regulatory processes make it hard to find a clear path. That’s why we have developed Procivis One – a software solution designed to empower organizations across sectors with seamless digital business processes based on verifiable credentials, providing a clear path forward, no matter how uncertain the technical requirements and regulatory processes may be.

Embracing Adaptability in a Shifting Landscape

As technology keeps advancing, being adaptable is key. Procivis One is the antidote to the challenges imposed by the fast-paced development of new standards and protocols. While the need for verifiable credentials based on the model of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is becoming clear for both public and private sector leaders, the decision for a concrete product and technical implementation involves multiple risks. At Procivis, we've been into digital identity since 2017 and have seen different tech setups come and go. Most products available today limit their focus on one or two selected implementation pathways for verifiable credentials and thereby force customers into risky dependencies. Most importantly the risk of high costs associated with upgrades or even re-implementation in only a few years or months, when standards are more stable and regulatory requirements have been fully implemented.

At Procivis, we decided that our customers should not be asked to choose a specific implementation pathway, but simply focus on their business challenges and pains while we abstract this technological and regulatory uncertainty for them with our Procivis One solution. It removes the need for continuous adaptation and the associated costs, giving them a strong base for digital identity and credentials. May the market require you to adopt a new transport protocol, credential format of signature algorithm, etc. you can rest assured that your Procivis One implementation will handle it with ease and minimal effort for you and your IT team.

Procivis One the enterprise-ready white-label solution using our Core, Desk, and Wallet components.

Don’t Worry about Regulatory Uncertainty

In the maze of new digital identity regulation in Switzerland and the European Union, where public and private organizations are still faced with uncertainties and moving targets, Procivis is your reliable partner. We have been following the regulatory process closely over the past years and even contributed to it on many occasions. Our commitment is to continuously stay ahead of the curve with our Procivis One solution and thus enable our customers to reach compliance without having to look at the shifting regulatory landscape themselves.


In a digital identity world continuously evolving, Procivis One is the go-to implementation for organizations dealing with the complexities of digital identities and credentials. Organizations using Procivis One can be confident that changes in standards or regulations won't mess up their work. It's more than just a solution; it's a partner, giving the stability and foresight needed to succeed in a world that's always changing. Choose Procivis One and start a journey where innovation and following the regulations come together smoothly, creating a digital identity world that lasts, paving the way for a future-proof digital identity landscape.


As we navigate the dynamic world of digital identity together, this blogpost is just the start of an exciting journey. In upcoming blog posts, we'll dive deeper into the tech at the core of Procivis One, exploring how we keep evolving our modular architecture to meet changing needs and stay ahead with our smart approach to future-proof digital identity tech.

To learn more about Procivis One and it's potential visit our product page or request early access to be one of the first to experience the future of digital identity.

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